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10개 탈 영문 표기 및 영문설명 > 자료실

자료실 목록

게시판 글쓰기
제목 10개 탈 영문 표기 및 영문설명
이 름 별신굿
등록일 03-08-31 21:41 조회수 203,166


양   반   Yang Ban : a man of high position
부   네   Bu Ne : a bar waitress
각   시   Kak ssi : young lady
선   비   Sun Bi : a scholor who is not in a government position
할   미   Hal Mi : granny
초랭이  Cho Leng I : lowly and careless person
   중     Joong : a bonze
백   정  Paek chong : butcher
이   매  I Me : foolish person

양   반
Yang Ban T'al :a man of high position(aristocrat mask)
has a long,black beard to show dignity, and an expressive smile
that reveals both generosity and smugness. If the performer looks uprights ,
his face appears cheerful and smiling; if he looks downward, his expression is
angry and tight-lipped,this mask is believed to represent the highest artistic value
of the Hahoe masks.

부  네 
Bu Ne(Pune T'al) : a bar waitress(flirtatious youngwoman mask)
has a heavily made-up oval face with a smiling mouth, high nose and semi-circular eyebrows. The smiling face is very seductive and fliratious. She plays the role of a professional entertainer or the concubine of an aristocrat.

각       시
영문표기: Kak ssi(Kakshi T'al)
설       명: young lady(bride mask)
has very small eyes to show her shyness and a tiny mouth indication that she does
not often speak. She plays the role of the local goddess in the first act and the bride
in the last

선 비 
Sun Bi:a scholor who is not in a government position
has wide nostrils and well-developed cheek bones to show that he is a scholar, full of
discontent and unable to adjust to society. The mask reveals not only the dignity appropriate to a scholar, but also the arrogance that does not befit him. A Sonbi was a scholar who studying the Chiness classics or writing poetry. In the play, Sonbi is severely satirized.

할 미
영문표기: Hal Mi:granny(Old widow mask)
has a tiny, wizened brown face to show the hard life she has led, It has a pathetic
expression, the open mouth is always ready to take in food and pour out lamentations.
Cho Leng I(Ch'oraengi T'al):lowly and careless person(busybody mask)
has a tiny, lopsided, brown face with buck teeth that reveal his ciscontent. His projected forehead means that he does not agree with his master, and his short nose show that he is impulsive. He simply cannot resist  meddling in other people's lives.

Joong(chung T'al) : a bonze(depraved Buddist monk mask)
has a greasy, grinning face to show his dissimulating behavior. The creascent -shaped eyes reveal  that he is not a monk who leads and ascetic live, but a depraved man who 
wander begging from village to village

백 정
영문표기: Paek chong(Peakchong T'al) : butcher mask
has a coarse and well-lined brown face. Depending on how it is seen, the face  either appears to be granning(mad with the pleasure of killing living creatures ) or cruel and sinister (the butcher's true nature)

이 매 
I Me:foolish person
has a pappy-go-lucky face, crooked nose reveals that he is deformed and the down-slanted eyes show that he is free from malice. He plays Sonbi's foolish servant. This is the only mask whthout a chin.

주 지
영문표기: Chuji T'al(Lion mask)
is a highly imaginative creature, bearing a fin-like wing and billed mouth. The  fantastic visage comes purely from the minds of Koreans of the day, who wished to depict a lion(the superme creature in Buddism without ever having seen one).




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